Scratch; Programming for Dummies

It is fair to say programming is not what I have been destined to do. Scratch is a wonderful tool to introduce someone to the basics of programming, however I still take an obscene amount of time to get the cat to face a desired direction. While playing with the program, there was success in creating a monster who spun around in circles until he disappeared. This program is very useful today, where most things are digitized and therefore knowledge of programming is in demand.

After some time on Scratch the Blocky Maze was attempted, and easily finished with constant move forward and turn this way or that demands. From that point there was a steady reduction in steps in an attempt to use few demands while still be efficient.

Here was my first attempt:

While this one may have worked out eventually I was impatient, so I came up with this next attempt:

The little peg man when right up to his finish line, at least faster than the other time, and a sense of victory arose as he jumped back and forth  at the finishing spot.


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